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Our Mission

We're on a mission to educate young people across Uganda on the causes and consequences of UnderageDrinking.


We don't use scare or ShockTactics; we talk to Teenagers on their level, about situations and pressures that they understand through their own experiences. Exploring complex issues such as PeerPressure & Sociallnfluence in a language that makes sense and doesn't patronise.


We empower young people with knowledge on both the short-term risks of drinking underage and the potential long-term effects of alcohol consumption.


Armed with this knowledge, some PositiveThinking and the tools to challenge peer pressure when it arises, we believe we can make a #Positive Difference to the lives of over 10 Million young people by 2030.

Underage Drinking Pledge.

I pledge to never engage in underage drinking, to help make smart and cool choices for my life.

Take your Pledge here.

Thanks for Pledging to end underage Drinking

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Underage Drinking Protection Pledge.

I pledge to keep teenagers safe by not selling, providing or even drinking alcohol infront of teenagers

Take your Pledge here.

Thanks for Pledging to end underage Drinking

We Need Your Support Today!

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